T-Mobile Polska – holder of the ISO14001:2004 environmental management system – uses the experience of its best engineers and specialists for planning, building and operating base stations.
ul.Opolska 6, 8, 8bis,58, 156, 187, 259, 280, 617, 676 ul.Dąbrowskiego T1,T4, 6, 59, 60, 156, 194, 250, 259, 280, 617, 648, 676, 678, 840, 850 ul.Lipowa 8, 8bis,58, 676 ul.Tarnogórska 57, 80, 112, 187, 288 ul.Piwna 8, 8bis,57, 58, 59, 60, 80, 112, 187, 28